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How can I view and analyze the results of my campaign?
How can I view and analyze the results of my campaign?

Find out how to visualize the results of your attack simulation and identify your vulnerable users.

Rémi avatar
Written by Rémi
Updated over 9 months ago

Log in to your personal Mailinblack space and go to your Cyber Coach area.

Click on the "Manual simulations" menu, "Campaigns" tab.

How do I access the results?

Hover over the campaign of your choice and click on the paper icon at the end of the line:

modifier campagne Phishing Coach

You can then view the detailed results of your chosen campaign.

How do you analyze the results?

Here you can access a summary of the collaborators to whom the campaign was sent and what their actions were:

  • Email sent: the campaign has been delivered to the user, but no action has been taken on this email.

  • Clicked link: the user has opened the phishing link in the email, this is the 1st level of vulnerability

  • Phishing user: the user has responded to the requested information, this is a high-risk user

  • Email error : email could not be sent or delivered

This allows you to create a targeted campaign aimed at at-risk employees.

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